For more information regarding the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) or bicycle/pedestrian events in the KTMPO region please contact James McGill at

The short distances Americans travel for many of their daily trips make bicycling and walking a highly viable transportation mode. Nearly 40% of all trips are under two miles, a distance easily accomplished by bicycle or on foot by a reasonably physically fit adult or child. In addition, 80% of all trips people take are not for commuting to work, but are for other purposes, many of which do not necessarily demand a car to accomplish. However, while there is potential for many more people to bicycle and walk for transportation, the lack of a safe, direct and usable bicycle and pedestrian network often makes it difficult. Not unlike many regions across the state, and indeed the country, the Killeen-Temple region faces the challenge of a less than complete bicycle/pedestrian network. However, as will be discussed, many of the cities within the region are making significant strides toward improvement.

To view the KTMPO Regional Multimodal Plan, please use the link below.

KTMPO Regional Multimodal Plan

Bicycle and pedestrian facilities play a role in creating a multi-modal transportation system. Bike lanes, sidewalks and other facilities provide an easy and safe way for people to access public transportation systems. By providing a safe route to transit stops, more people are likely to use public transit. With more people using transit, traffic congestion will decrease and air quality will increase.

Did you know that our local transit system cater towards bicyclists? The HOP is making it easier for cyclists to access their buses by providing people with bike racks. Each HOP Fixed Route Buses are equipped with bicycle racks which allows users to safely secure their bicycle. A bike rider can now bicycle ride to a HOP station, safely secure their bicycle to one of the HOP buses and ride a HOP bus.

For more information regarding the HOP, please visit their website at

  • Bike and Pedestrian Web Map

    Locate trails, sidewalks or bike lanes on our bike/pedestrian web map.

    Search, navigate, and even make edits to help improve the transportation network for other cyclists and pedestrians.

    Your input can then be used to help determine projects that address bike/pedestrian issues.

    Please use this user guide if you need help using this map.

  • Bike/Pedestrian Web Map

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

On January 19th, 2016, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, also known as BPAC was established. BPAC was established by the Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization (KTMPO) Transportation Planning Policy Board with the purpose of improving the bicycle and walking mobility within the Killeen-Temple Region.

Currently, BPAC has 14 voting members that represent both bicycle and pedestrian needs. Members include local government officials, stakeholder groups and citizen representatives.

The following people are the 14 voting members that are on BPAC:

  • Chair Jason Deckman – City of Temple
  • Vice Chair Kara Escajeda – City of Nolanville
  • Chair Matt Bates – City of Belton
  • Jeff Stoddard – City of Copperas Cove
  • Heather Buller – City of Killeen
  • Yvonne Spell – City of Harker Heights
  • Erika Kunkel – TxDOT Waco District
  • Gene Roberts – Fort Cavazos
  • Keller Matthews – BS&W Cycling Club/Citizen Representative
  • Chad Welch – Tri-City Bicycles/Citizen Representative
  • Carlos Santiago – Fort Cavazos Riders and Roadkill Cycling Club/Citizen Representative
  • John Wiist – King of the Mountain Cyclery/Citizen Representative
  • Geary McCabe – Sun Country Cycling/Citizen Representative

Federal Funding Sources for Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects

Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STP) Funds may be used for the construction of recreational trails projects, pedestrian and bicycle projects and the Safe Routes to School Program.

National Recreation Trail Funds may be used for a variety of recreational trails programs to benefit bicyclists, pedestrians and other non-motorized and motorized users. In Texas, this category of funding is administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife.

Safe Routes to School Program provides funds and resources to the states to develop and improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and safety programs near elementary and middle schools.

For more funding opportunities, please visit

National Highway System (NHS) Funds may be used to construct bicycle transportation facilities and pedestrian walkways on land adjacent to any highway on the National Highway System (other than the Interstate System).

FHWA’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program develops and provides safety programs in cooperation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. FHWA’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Research provides information and research on issues related to improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

The FHWA’s Federal Lands Highway Program Funds may be used to construct pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities in conjunction with roads, highways, and parkways at the discretion of the department charged with the administration of such funds.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets are streets that are design to provide safety and easy access for all users regardless of mode of travel or ability. Components of Complete Streets may include bike lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks, median islands, dedicated bus lanes, crosswalks, lights, and scenery. By providing incorporating the Complete Streets concept can cause congestion to decrease, improve air quality, economic development, healthy and livable communities, and increase in safety.

How can Complete Streets Benefit Communities?

Areas that lack Complete Streets can be highly congested and dangerous. Approximately, 15% of American students who ride the bus to school do so because it is too dangerous to walk. In the City of Houston, 3 out of every 5 people who are either disabled or elderly, lack sidewalks between their homes and the nearest bus stop. As a result, only 10% use public transportation, even though 50% live within two blocks of a bus stop. Additionally, elderly people, who comprise 13% of the population, account for 18% of all pedestrian fatalities. By providing a safe, easy way to access schools, transit stops and other points of interests can decrease congestion, create healthy communities, and increase air quality.

Cities that have incorporated the Complete Streets guidelines have seen positive results. Approximately 55% of the American population falls short of the recommended activity guidelines. Studies have found that 43% of people with safe places to walk within ten minutes of their homes meet recommended activity levels. Complete Streets also help to reduce vehicle emissions. In areas where Complete Streets are located, carbon dioxide emissions have decreased by 20 pounds per day. Nitrous Oxide and Volatile Organic Compounds both decrease at 8% and 10% respectively when Complete Streets are present.


Local Bike and Walking/Run Events 

October is National Pedestrian Safety Month. Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization (KTMPO) is encouraging citizens to promote walking as a “healthy, safe, and environmentally friendly form of transportation and an excellent form of recreation.”

KTMPO urges all road users to share the road safely with pedestrians as the Transportation Planning Policy Board has signed a resolution proclaiming October 4, 2023, as “Walk to School Day”.

Click on the link to read the Resolution for Walk to School Day.

Visit, for bike ride dates, locations and events.

For marathons and walks please visit

Temple Bike Share Program

Temple Bike Share program is our local bike sharing program. With four stations in Temple, this program allows easy accessibility for people to travel throughout Temple.

For more information, please use the following link: Temple Bike Share Program

Bicycle and Pedestrian News

Bicycle and Pedestrian Resources