Potential Environmental Mitigation Activities
Sustainable transportation is the process of designing transportation systems in order to improve livability and mobility by simultaneously meeting social, environmental, and economic goals. It is an interlocking series of processes, guided by a collection of principles to meet the needs of present and future members of the community by conserving natural resources.
Best Practices to Implement Sustainability
KTMPO uses the following practices to implement sustainability principles in the planning process:
- Triple Bottom Line – Considering the social, environmental, and economic impacts equally
- Life Cycle Assessment – Considering environmental impacts over the life of a project
- Project Scoring and Selection – Placing higher value on projects or methods that combine a positive effect on quality of life with minimal impact on the natural environment
- Performance Measures – Collecting data from multiple sources related to the Triple Bottom Line. Public surveys, air quality monitoring, cost analysis, and other metrics may be used.
- Congestion Management – Implementing a broad policy in order to improve mobility and reduce emissions, resulting in higher quality of life for our region.
- Materials Selection – Seeking ways to use recycled materials during construction and maintenance, while also eliminating the use of non-renewable resources.
- Energy Efficiency – Developing projects to maximize efficient travel in terms of time and fuel.
Context sensitive solutions (CSS) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach that involves all stakeholders in providing a transportation facility that fits its setting. It is an approach that leads to preserving and enhancing scenic, aesthetics, historic, community, and environmental resources, while improving or maintaining safety, mobility and infrastructure conditions.
Characteristics of the CSS Design
- The project is in harmony with the community.
- Preserves the environmental, scenic, aesthetic, historic, and natural resource values of the area.
- Provides a safe facility for all users and the community.
- Solves problems and satisfies the purpose and needs identified by a full range of stakeholders.
- Exceeds the expectations of both designers and stakeholders and is perceived as adding lasting value to the community as a whole.
- Involves efficient and effective use of resources of all involved parties
For more information on Context Sensitive Solutions, please visit www.contextsensitivesolutions.org/