The Public Participation Plan (PPP) is intended to involve all citizens, groups, agencies, and transportation providers within the KTMPO area, including disadvantaged communities. KTMPO’s goal is a proactive transportation effort that provides complete information, timely public notice, and full public access to key decisions.
The public has an opportunity to participate during all phases of the transportation planning process. Participation is encouraged for both the short and long-term transportation plans through public meetings and reviews, open comment periods, public appearances, public hearings, project solicitation, social media, and the MPO website. KTMPO adopted a Title VI Plan in March 2018. The PPP is included in the Title VI Plan as an addendum.
As part of our Public Involvement and Title VI process, KTMPO updated our Environmental Justice Community of Concern.
For each public comment period, KTMPO staff collects comments from print and electronic media and reviews the comments for possible inclusion/revision of the document. The comments are presented to the TAC and the TPPB for review, discussion, and consideration. Significant comments received during the public comment period by members of the public are summarized along with a report on the disposition of comments in the final Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) or Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).