Environmental Justice Communities of Concern (EJCOC) have been identified in our Public Participation Plan. The areas selected met one or more of the following criteria:
- Census tracts with fifty percent or more of the population
categorized as Low-to-Moderate Income by HUD.
- Census tracts with fifty percent or more of the population identifies as minority (Black; Asian or Pacific Islander, American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut; Other Race).
- Census tracts with twenty-five percent or more persons of Hispanic or Latino descent.
File format: ESRI shapefile (.shp) in compressed file (.zip)
File size: 136kb
Approved on June 25, 2009, the KTMPO Metropolitan Area Boundary (MAB) encompasses all of Bell County, portions of Lampasas and Coryell Counties, and portions of Fort Cavazos.
Our boundary contains 14 incorporated cities and has an area of more than 1,200 square miles. It encompasses the urbanized area and the contiguous geographical area likely to become urbanized within the 25-year forecast period covered by the Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
File format: Two ESRI shapefiles in a compressed file (.zip)
File size: 26kb