Aug. 4, 2023
WACO — Starting Sunday night, August 6, TxDOT’s contractor will perform various closures along I-14 in Belton from east of I-14/FM 1670 to I-35/Central Avenue. Closures are required to allow crews to safely conduct pavement operations.
Sunday night and Monday night, all I-14 eastbound mainlanes will close from east of FM 1670
(Stillhouse Hollow Dam Road) to just before Connell Street. Additionally, SL 121 under the I-14 bridge will be closed. Eastbound traffic will be directed off the SL 121 off-ramp (exit 300) and can reenter I-14 just past SL 121 before Connell Street. These closures will occur from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. both nights.
Monday night through Thursday morning, crews will also close all westbound mainlanes from Central Avenue/I-35 to SL 121/I-14 I-35. The southbound TX 317 exit ramp (293B) and the I-35 northbound exit ramp to I-14 (293B) will also be closed. The entrance ramp from Central Avenue to I-35 southbound will also be closed. I-35 traffic seeking access to I-14 will need to utilize SL 121. These closures will also occur from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.
To read the full News Release https://ktmpo.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/I-14-Paving-_-Closures-Update-08-04-2023.jpg
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