Transportation Planning Policy Board Meeting

Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization

Transportation Planning Policy Board (TPPB)


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Central Texas Council of Governments Building

2180 North Main Street, Belton, Texas 76513


Regular Meeting: 9:30 A.M.


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Opportunity for Public Comment.(1)
  3. Staff Update: Personnel; Advisory Committees; Air Quality.
  4. Action Item:  Regarding approval of minutes from November 16, 2016 TPPB meeting.
  5. Action Item:  Regarding approval of amendment to the FY2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for adjustments to Killeen Heritage Park Hike and Bike Trail (KTMPO #K40-21a);
  6. Discussion Item: Tasks and studies to include in FY2018/2019 Unified Planning Work Program.
  7. Presentations:  Update on a) TxDOT projects; and b) Hill Country Transit District.
  8. Member Comments.
  9. Adjourn.

Workshop (If Needed) – To Follow Regular Scheduled Meeting


  1. Call to order.
  2. Discussion on any of the following topics:
  3. Current or past KTMPO documents and plans to include Unified Planning Work Program, Transportation Improvement Program, By-Laws, Public Participation Plan, Regional Thoroughfare/Bicycle Pedestrian Plan, Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Congestion Management Process, Annual Performance Expenditure Report, Annual Project Listing, Texas Urban Mobility Plan, Unified Transportation Plan, Federal Certification Process
  4. Past or Future KTMPO Meeting processes or happenings
  5. KTMPO Current, Past or Future MPO Boundary Studies
  6. KTMPO Past or Future Annual Meetings
  7. Current, Past or Future KTMPO Budgets and funding conditions
  8. Rural Planning Organizations and/or Regional Mobility Authorities
  9. Special Funding for Projects
  10. Legislative Changes
  11. Status of MPO Projects
  12. Staff, TxDOT, Consultant, Guest presentations relating to transportation
  13. Meetings pertaining to any transportation related items/topics
  14. Adjourn.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Packet

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