Technical Advisory Committee Meeting

 Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

 Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Central Texas Council of Governments Building

2180 North Main Street, Belton, Texas 76513

Regular Meeting: 9:30 A.M.


  1. Call to Order.

  2. Opportunity for Public Comment.(1)

  3. Staff Update: Advisory Committees; Air Quality.

  4. Action Item:  Approve minutes from March 1, 2017 meeting.

  5. Action Item: Recommend approval of Resolution for May 2017 as National Bike Month.

  6. Action Item: Recommend adoption of Fitness Friendly Business Program.

  7. Discussion Item: Category 2 Funding Formula.

  8. Discussion Item: Match requirements for Unified Transportation Program funding categories for projects in the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

  9. Discussion Item:  Update regarding MPO establishment of transit performance targets for state of good repair.

  10. Discussion Item: Public input received through March 31, 2017.

  11. Member comments.

  12. Adjourn.

Workshop – To Follow Regular Scheduled Meeting if Needed


  1. Call to order.

  1. Discussion on any of the following topics (if needed):

  2. Current or past KTMPO documents and plans to include Unified Planning Work Program, Transportation Improvement Program, By-Laws, Public Participation Plan, Regional Thoroughfare/Bicycle Pedestrian Plan, Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Congestion Management Process, Annual Performance Expenditure Report, Annual Project Listing, Texas Urban Mobility Plan, Unified Transportation Plan, Federal Certification Process; b. Past or Future KTMPO Meeting processes or happenings; c. KTMPO Current, Past or Future MPO Boundary Studies; d. KTMPO Past or Future Annual Meetings; e. Current, Past or Future KTMPO Budgets and funding conditions; f. Rural Planning Organizations and/or Regional Mobility Authorities; g. Special Funding for Projects; h. Legislative Changes; i. Status of MPO Projects; j. Staff, TxDOT, Consultant, Guest presentations relating to transportation; k. Meetings pertaining to any transportation related items/topics.

  3. Adjourn.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Packet

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