Secretary of Transportation talks about finding and creating Opportunity in transportation planning
Sec. Foxx wants local decision-makers to agree to “connect people to opportunity” when they make decisions about building transportation. While Sec. Foxx’s Three Principles as described in the article are purely voluntary, the concept of looking at how transportation projects affect communities is already included in several state and federal laws.
Last session, the Texas Legislature passed HB 20, which contained requirements in Sec. 201.9932 for planning agencies to develop specific criteria. Two of these criteria address the concerns discussed in the article. Item 2 requires consideration of “projected effects on economic development opportunities for residents of the region”, and Item 5 requires planners to address “socioeconomic effects, including disproportionately high and adverse health or environmental effects on minority or low-income neighborhoods”.
KTMPO staff have also completed a review of our community as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and Executive Order 12898. This plan ensures nondiscrimination in all of KTMPO’s programs and activities and identifies Environmental Justice areas where a project’s potential impact to the community is taken into consideration.
What does this mean for the average resident of the KTMPO area? As this area grows, and traffic patterns change, city and regional planners will work on developing projects that meet the needs of a wide range of transportation users – from long-haul freight trucks to daily commuters, and from transit riders to recreational cyclists. How can you help? Get involved in our planning efforts – Make sure that planners, city staff and elected officials understand your needs. We have two regularly scheduled transportation meetings each month – the Technical Advisory Committee and the Transportation Planning Policy Board. Come to any meeting or public hearing and offer your comments. Use the comment form on our website, or interact with us on Facebook and Twitter.
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