Request for Proposal Announced
The Central T exas Council of Governments (CTCOG) is seeking written and sealed competitive Proposals to complete a Five-year public transit human-services transportation plan, also known as the Regionally Coordinated Transportation Plan, per the information provided within this Request for Proposal (RFP).
Sealed Proposals will be received no later than 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 2, 2015, at the office listed below. Proposals received after that date and time will not be opened.
Each Proposal and supporting documentation must be in a sealed envelope or container plainly labeled in the lower left-hand corner: “Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan.” Proposer must also include their company name and address on the outside of the envelope or container. Proposals must be addressed to:
Attn: Christina Demirs
Senior Planner
Central Texas Council of Governments
PO Box 729 2180 N. Main Street
Belton, Texas 76513
Proposers are responsible for making certain their Proposals are delivered to CTCOG at the address described above. Mailing of a Proposal does not ensure that the Proposal will be delivered on time or delivered at all. If a Proposer does not hand-deliver a Proposal, we suggest that he/she use a delivery service that provides a receipt. Proposals will be accepted in person, by United Sates Mail, by United Parcel Service, or by private courier service. No Proposals will be accepted by oral communication, telephone, electronic mail, telegraphic transmission, or facsimile transmission. Proposals may be withdrawn prior to the above-scheduled time set for closing of the Proposals. Any Proposal received after the date and hour specified will be rejected and returned unopened to the Proposer. CTCOG reserves the right to postpone the date and time for opening Proposals through issuance of an addendum.
In the interest of fairness to all parties, no visits are entertained during the Bidding period.
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