Public Meeting & Comments for the Draft 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

Central Texas Council of Governments 2180 North Main Street, Belton, TX, United States

Killeen-Temple MPO is seeking public comment on the development of the Draft 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP2050). We need people from all professions, interests, neighborhoods, and abilities to represent the

Public Meeting & Comments for the Draft 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

Central Texas Council of Governments 2180 North Main Street, Belton, TX, United States

Killeen-Temple MPO is seeking public comment on the development of the Draft 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP2050). We need people from all professions, interests, neighborhoods, and abilities to represent the

The Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations and equal opportunity for effective communications will be provided upon request. Please contact the KTMPO office at 254-770-2200 at least 24 hours in advance if accommodation is needed.

Members of the public may submit comments in person during our meetings, hearings, workshops, and other scheduled events. Contact KTMPO staff prior to the event in order to sign up. Please limit comments to 3 minutes. No discussion or final action will be taken by the Board.

Watch previous meeting recordings on our YouTube page.