Drainage Installation — SH 195 — Bell County
December 1, 2022
TxDOT and its contractor will close the crossover at SH 195 and Chaparral Road beginning next Tuesday. This closure will occur continuously through next Friday, weather permitting. The closure will allow crews to safely perform drainage installation in the area. The SH 195 mainlanes will not be closed during this work. Southbound SH 195 traffic will not be able to turn directly on to Chaparral Road during the closure. Additionally, Chaparral Road traffic seeking to head southbound on SH 195 will be directed to head northbound and then utilize another turnaround/crossover.
Click on the link to read the full NEWS RELEASE https://ktmpo.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/SH-195-Chaparral-December-1-2022.png
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