In 2016, the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) was established to improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the KTMPO region by identifying and recommending best practices and policies for cyclists and walkers. The first bylaws were approved in 2016, and they were revised, and amendments were approved in 2019 and 2021.

Early in 2024, staff conducted a comprehensive review of the BPAC bylaws and, in June, proposed recommendations to address evolving infrastructure needs and ensure alignment with the 2050 MTP and the TxDOT Active Transportation Plan. On December 11, 2024, the BPAC committed adopted and approved the committee’s name change and bylaws. On January 22, 2025, the Transportation Planning Policy Board (TPPB), approved the Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) Bylaws.

The ATAC, shall advise the KTMPO TPPB and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) on planning and developing infrastructure, policies, and strategies that prioritize and encourage active transportation in the region, including, but not limited to biking, walking, paddle craft, and equestrian activities. ATAC will ensure that both non-motorized and low-speed electric modes of travel are integrated into broader transportation strategies.

The ATAC voting membership consists of representatives from the following active transportation interests. Membership will be limited to 20 and may be individuals or represent a group. Eligible members must reside in Bell, Coryell or Lampasas County.

Interest  Number of Representatives
Bicycle 3
Pedestrian 2
Equestrian 1
Youth 1
Other Active Transportation Interests:

Trail Enthusiast
Tourism Boards
Chambers of Commerce
ADA Advocacy Group
Running Events
Paddle Craft

Municipality 6
County 1
Fort Cavazos 1
Public Transit 1

The nomination process for ATAC membership will be as follows:
Municipal and county representatives will be appointed in writing by the mayor, judge, or their designated representative.
Organizations or individuals wishing to secure a voting position on the ATAC may submit a written request to the chairperson or KTMPO staff, outlining the individual they propose to represent their organization’s transportation interests, what that interest is, and their potential contribution. The ATAC members will review each nomination, seek committee approval, then make a recommendation to the TPPB for approval.